Check out this little personalized picnic tray which actually would be really great for dad in his office! >>

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Check out this little personalized picnic tray which actually would be really great for dad in his office! >>

My Rolling Tray at

My rolling Tray make special custom trays for people who want to use them as decor, a small tray set or gift it to someone special. This is a really great way for people to remember you. Sending them a gift like flowers or a gift card is something anyone can do. A nice tray with a special image will make sure whoever you gift it too knows you have been thinking of them. They can either put it in their China cabinet or on the piano. They can even be used for mini coffee or tea parties. You can add any picture you want on these polymer trays. You can even give it to a kid to use as a plate with their favorite superhero on it. Process:Making a custom image tray is super easy. Simply upload the picture, make the purchase and you will get a 5″ x 8″ tray sent with any image you picked!

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