REPORT & Shots Craigavon Senior High 33 v Shimna Integrated College 5 / High Schools Trophy!

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In tough weather conditions (wind and snow) Craigavon were able to dominate possession, especially of set plays in scrums and lineouts  in the first 20 minutes and came away with 2 tries and 1 conversion.  Shimna came back into the game scoring a try from an excellent cross field kick outside our 22. Score was 12-5.   From the restart Shimna made it back in our 22 and lost position at a vital time via a turnover by full back Jay Martin.  We were able to get out of our 22 and get into the 22 with some brilliant continuity rugby between our forwards and backs. We got inside there 22 in the last 5 minutes of the half, where Shimna conceeded 4 penalties in a row, resulting in the right winger being sin binned.  We then scored another try and conversion and lead 19-5 at half time.

Second half Shimna had all the possession and where unfortunate not to come away with a try.  With 10 minutes of continued pressure inside the our 22.  Again Jay Martin making the decisive tackle for Shimna to knock on and this gave Craigavon the opportunity to relieve the pressure.  Craigavon then went on to score two more tries and 2 conversions.

Craigavon played as a team, which was very pleasing to head coach Damien Campbell

Pics below and for high res images CLICK HERE

Pic Credit: Mathew Wickham Photography (c)


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