A Busy Weekend for the BRFC Bears: 1st Ever Away Trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This weekend was a busy one for the BRFC Bears with the coaches meeting up at Eaton Park on Saturday to be trained in First Aid and the section undertaking their first ever away trip on Sunday to Newforge.
Six of the coaching team started early on Saturday to brush up on their First Aid skills. A fantastic tailored training day package was delivered by Janice Bisp of Bisp Training. Janice kept the group entertained and just before lunch turned the theory into practical with the coaches getting to practice their CPR skills on a range of demo models from adults to babies. Throughout, Janice shared her vast hospital casualty department experience, giving lots of helpful practical advice on some of the possible scenarios to be faced. A huge thanks to Janice for giving up her Saturday to come and present to the team.
On Sunday the Bears travelled down to Newforge RFC to meet up with the Taggers, Dungannon Sharks and Donaghadee Sharkies. This was the first ever trip away from Eaton Park for the Bears and a fantastic travelling contingent of 9 met up at the Ulster RFC training ground. The section immediately got involved in a shared warm up with approx 50 other young people from the other clubs. They then broke into club teams and the Bears got their chance to show off their newly acquired tag rugby skills in front of Luke Marshall the Bears patron, Chris Henry, Darren Cave and Dan Tuohy all from the Ulster team. After 6 games it was time to share a cup of tea and meet up with all the players and Sparky in the clubhouse. Everyone got to wish the Ulster boys good luck for the forthcoming HEC final next week and there was even a quick rendition of “Stand up for the Ulstermen”. A rousing close to a superb inaugural away trip; Well Done the Bears!

The Ballymena Bears offers tag rugby to young people with learning difficulties. They meet every other Sunday at Eaton Park. For more details about either playing or helping phone Gary Donald 0773 838 9791

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