CALL FOR SUPPORT: Ulster Man Glenn Ferry is in the final 2 to win a trip to watch the LIONS – he needs more votes to win – Seriously have to get behind this – Please vote for GLENN FARRY – VOTE LINK IS HERE

I’m on a mission to get on a plane to Australia to see the British and Irish Lions Rugby tour and I need your vote! I’m down to the final two and hope you can vote for me at If it doesn’t work on Internet explorer then try Mozilla fire fox or google chrome. […]

Instonians RFC Select U16 Squad Trip To Dublin For Sean Stratton Rugby Festival Then Over To The Aviva to Watch The Ulster European Semi Final!!!!!!!!! what A Day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Report & 184 Action Shots!!!!!!!!!

Sean Stratton Rugby Festival, Dublin- an Instonian “select” u16 squad had made the finals in Dublin on 28 April after a commanding series of performances in the qualifing rounds which saw them arrive as second seeds for the finals’ day. In the quarter final they saw off a strong Wicklow side 11-7- with a try […]