BODYKORE Monaghan Hypnotherapy, Personal Training, Exercise Classes, Kore Therapy, Sports Therapy, Massage

BODYKORE Monaghan Hypnotherapy, Personal Training, Excercise Classes, Kore Therapy, Sports Therapy, Massage Offically opened in Dec 2013 by proprietor Lynda Rouiller, Bodykore is on Mall Rd, Monaghan. The First of it’s kind in Monaghan where you can avail of treatments to cater for all areas of the body and mind. At BodyKore (Monaghan Town) Lynda […]

Rugby – The key throughout is to increase your ability to create power. Training tips achieve power and explosiveness

Scott Laidler “We can essentially define power as the multiplication of strength and speed through a particular movement. In the case of rugby, these are most likely to be throwing, jumping, pushing and movements that exert a lateral force (tackling, in other words). This being the case, to train like a rugby player you need […]