Rugby – The key throughout is to increase your ability to create power. Training tips achieve power and explosiveness

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Scott Laidler

“We can essentially define power as the multiplication of strength and speed through a particular movement. In the case of rugby, these are most likely to be throwing, jumping, pushing and movements that exert a lateral force (tackling, in other words). This being the case, to train like a rugby player you need to focus on select exercises that work multiple muscle groups and mimic the demands of a rugby match.

To be a rugby player, you have to train like one. While I’m not a rugby coach, I’ve taken note of the movement patterns and physical demands on the athletes involved. As a result, I’ve compiled five exercises that will allow you to improve your performance through these movements in a Rugby specific scenario. The key throughout is to increase your ability to create power.” …… see the five excercises with video on url >>

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