Diets and Food rugby players should be eating during pre-season training

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As you all know nutrition plays a vast role at improving sporting performance. Having a correct nutritional plan for rugby aids your performance a great deal. Eating the correct foods that will enable you to perform at 100% is not hard, but the routine takes discipline just like any other diet.
Rugby training, whether sprinting, plyometrics, interval or weights, requires high levels of energy to perform; as do rugby matches themselves. These energy requirements should be obtained from carbohydrates. A professional player’s intake of carbs is normally governed by the glycaemic index of the food. High GI snacks are ingested shortly before exercise e.g. fruit, confectionary, glucose drinks; whereas low GI foods are ingested as part of a meal e.g. brown rice, pasta and wholemeal breads, which provide a sustained energy release. Roughly 2-3 days prior to matches the ingestion of carbs is about 7-10g per kg of bodyweight as this maximises the energy stores from carbs necessary for the game

The Changing Face of Rugby
When you look at the modern game there is more and more emphasis based on the size of players in Rugby, Tom Fordyce looked up the stats and found that in the last 50 years the average weight of English international rugby players has gone up by nearly 20kgs and the average height has increased by 8cm! Think about that for a second, that’s around 3 stone heavier and over 3 inches taller.
There is no doubt that size is not the only thing that has changed, the strength and power of the players and indeed the way the game is being played has been transformed since the game became professional in 1995 >>>>

You might be gearing up for the season with proper strength and conditioning drills, but are you putting in the right fuel to allow for maximum performance by the time the season rolls around? Here are five types of foods all rugby players should try to include more of in their diets:

The broccoli family – supplies important detoxifying chemicals. Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, and cabbage also aid recovery, liver function, and increase antioxidant protection.
Eggs – loaded with high-quality protein, B vitamins, zinc, and good fats. They’re great for sustaining lean body mass, rebuilding muscle, and are also beneficial for your immune system and hormonal balance.>>>> for the full list go to

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