Report Ballynahinch 1s 33 v St Mary’s 1s 13

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The Dubliners played towards the clubhouse in the first half with the advantage of a strong wind and driving rain.
After a strong start from the home side the visitors began to dominate territory. In the 10th minute a couple of missed tackles by the Hinch defence created the space for scrum half Dave Fanagan to exploit, and he did well send fullback Ray Crotty clear to dive over in the left corner to open the scoring. Cathal Marsh failed to convert leaving the visitors with an early 5 -point lead.
Hinch put their first points on the board in the 19th minute when Richard Reaney converted a penalty goal after Mary’s failed to release on the ground.
Hinch number 8 Charlie Butterworth was caught with his hands in the ruck in front of his posts and Marsh dispatched the penalty to give St Mary’s an 8-3 lead which they held onto until halftime…….. see more at :-

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