Perennials RFC Annual Dinner & AGM Social Shots!!!!!!!!!!

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This event was always set to be the highlight of the Ulster Club rugby calendar. It lived up to the billing and was an atmosphere of friendship and fun. The evening began with the club AGM which lasted for approximately 45 seconds! Full details to follow. The dinner then began with the entire group singing “Sweet Caroline” with hand in the air and various staff members left wondering just what was going to happen next. A call to order was made to introduce the singers! Cut from the same cloth as Frank Sinatra tom Adnrews kicked off the entertainment section followed by a consistently superb group of signers who raised the house down with various sng from Brown Eyed Girl to the welsh “who beat the English” – rounded off by the single best rendition of “ghost riders in the sky” All in all an absolutely superb evening from a club who raised now well over 300,000 pounds for charity. The night was dedicated to Terry McCracken who the guys have rallied behind.

InTouch TV vids of all singers to follow shortly.

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