Newly Single!? Just finalised a divorce or lost a partner? Consider online dating, its so successful now!

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Newly Single!? Just finalised a divorce or lost a partner? Consider online dating, its so successful now!

Many people have long loving and deeply rewarding personal relationships and in fact romantic relationships as couples. Unfortunately, many people discover that their relationship has deteriorated to the extent that divorce is the only option. Its sad and its frustrating but with good fortune proceedings can be smooth and sensible with both parties acting carefully to stay well and healthy and to move on separately. Alternatively, many people find their partner pass away in many different circumstances and for many different reasons and find themselves alone as widows which after the grief process closes can leave them with a tremendous void in their lives and a deep un-fulfillment. These can be situations which are actually bad for peoples health and on a more serious level it may actually be absolutely necessary for this person to just get outdoors and get more physically active and really build a new life alone essentially, as an individual again.

But there is another alternative! Finding new love and new romantic experiences is happening online for people in their, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond! People who have lost partners to ill health or even have been down the traditional route and after several divorces due to completely ireconcilable differences simply have to explore alternative forms of “dating” non-traditional methods of being in relationships where the “rules” are different, “rules” which accommodate their particular circumstances. Very often these people are extremely organised and do apply a very high degree of order to all aspsects of their lives, including romance, and this approach allows them to retain a sense of security within the experience.

Online dating accommodates everyone. All tastes, all attitudes, all approaches to relationships, all gender identifications and all types of personalities! Perhaps you follow the latest psychological trends and believe deeply in the “Big five” personality traits and actually organise your romance and love life based on which “Big five” traits fit best with you own personality characteristics and how you self actualise! Others, are looking for completely open relationships and do not allow gender barriers to love, many people in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond fall into these categories they are single and mature they are completely together financially and psychologically and physically capable. Many older women are starting relationships with younger men who find them adorable this is even referred to as mature women dating toyboys this is the idea of a “Cougar” woman, very sexy, very articulate and remaining young and vivacious and tremendously energetic, often working at a very high level in the corporate world of an independent entrepreneur who has children and is continuing to develop their influence on the world and within their disciplines and finds that younger men have the energy to keep up with them. These are the choices that people are making and the online dating world fully accommodates this. Many sites cater specifically for these profile types, bringing together the best young men into one online platform where older mature and single women can find available young men. Of course this means that this is all consentual. I mean how does a mature single women in a deeply high powered environment who is making very high level decisions find young men? In their business? In the local gym Neither of these are ideal at a ll! Not at all! Having recourse to online facilities where the private development of relationships can happen is almost a necessity! This has proven very, very successful, and within just a few short years the sites are out there, many of them covering many different styles and attitudes have grown rapidly and are catering very very successfully for mature people, who are over 40, 50, 60, 70 and beyond  who are dating online now! That’s whats happening.

So! If you have found that you are newly divorced or have lost a partner through illness or any reason, it is well worth opening up your browser online and typing in searches relating to dating and just seeing what is out there! so, set goals and work towards them!

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Very, very best wishes!


InTouch Rugby Dating & Relationships.

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