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Ireland is sending four teams to Edinburgh next week to compete for the Touch World Cup in the Mixed Open, Men’s Open, Men’s Over 35 and Men’s Over 40 divisions. This is the first time that Ireland will compete at a World Cup tournament, and with a squad of 64 players and ten management staff it is the largest team sport group to leave Ireland this year.

After the success of the four teams at last year’s European Championships, the Irish teams have high hopes for good results in Edinburgh next week.

Michael Davies, President of the Ireland Touch Association is proud to be handing the green jerseys to the athletes on Saturday.

‘Coming home from the European Championships with European titles for the Mixed Open and the Men’s Over 40 division is a great foundation going into the World Cup,’ he said.

‘Everyone has trained so hard in preparation for the World Cup, and handing the green jerseys to the players is recognition of their dedication to training, their ability in the sport and is the final step before taking the field for the start of competition next Wednesday.’

Mr Neall Richmond, An Leas Chathaoirleach of Dun Laorghaire Rathdown County Council will present the players with their jerseys on Saturday at 1:45pm at Bewley’s Hotel, Ballsbridge.

There is also a QandA Session with Irish Rugby Women’s International Rugby Player Orla Brennan who will be giving the 74 strong party her experiences of her 58 Irish caps and playing in two World Cups.

The teams will leave Ireland early next week to compete in their respective divisions over five gruelling days, with almost 2000 competitors from 27 countries playing in 7 categories, with over 500 matches scheduled to take place.

Mixed Open: Teresa Aldous; Matt Ashe; Claire Camilleri; Elizabeth Comerford; David Condon; Abigail Doyle; Brian Gunning; Niamh Kelly; Nick Leung; Jenny MacHale; Ashley McLachlan; Jonathon Milne; Aroha Nathan; Christina Tuataga (Coach); Mark Turner; Michael Wills.
Manager: Fiona McGinty

Men’s Open: David Beagon; Glen Braithwaithe; Jack Brennan; Craig Dalton; Brian Fitzgerald; John Gavin; Alan Glenn; Jeffrey Iszeham; Sven Johnson; Michael Jones; Brian Leveau; Kevin Masterson; Eamonn McAlese; Stephen O’Connor; Gareth Rossi; Richard Springer; Mark Woolfield (Coach)
Managers: Terry Beagon & Garry Glenn

Men’s Over 35: Garrett Agnew; Federico Black; Paul Bradley; Boris Darceaux; Christopher Doyle; Emerson Devlin; Dave Dowling; Garreth Fanning; Peter Gilbourne; James Gorman; Clayton Homer; Andrew Moss; Ian O’Malley; Gerard Pelosi; Gary Purcell; Roelie Smith.
Coach: Michael Davies
Manager: Stefano Zarpellon

Men’s Over 40: Peter Ashe-Browne; Mark Bagnall; Paul Brown; Fergus Conway; Johnny Gleeson; Frank Ennis; Rory Hickey; Martin Huggard; Barry Keogh; Seamus McAllion; Simon McKenna; David O’Donnell; Kevin Stiles; Brian Sweeney; Howard Tracey; Stephen Hayes.
Coach: Aidan Sweeney
Manager: Gráinne Leach

NOTE: RTE will be showing a piece on the sport tomorrow evening on Capital D at 7pm.

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