Friends School Rugby Notes: Medallion I XV v Larne Medallion Rugby I XV: Report + Action Shots

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Friends School Lisburn Medallion finished off their season with a well deserved win over Larne. The match stared with pace Friends dominating play and possession for the first 10 minutes but a turn over ball and lapse in defence saw Larne score the first points of the day with an unconverted try. That was going to be the only attack on the Lisburn schools line, they took complete control of the game dominating the larger pack at the breakdown although did not control some of their own lineouts however Friends scored two excellent tries before halftime making the score 14 – 5 in favour of the home side.

The second half started with some pressure for the Larne pack and good running by the backline however Friends defence stood up well with some excellent tackles dislodging Larne’s possession of the ball. The second half only saw Larne threatening Friends line twice but Friends control of the game saw them run in two more tries one not converted making the full time score 26 – 5 in favour of Freinds.

Friends had agian brought up six Under 14 players to bolster the squad, these players gelled well with the older players and scoered two of the tries against Larne, this shows a good sign for next seasons Medallion

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