Dodil – The Mouldable Dildo – Make Your Own Shape Using Your Hands.

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Dodil – The Mouldable Dildo – Make Your Own Shape Using Your Hands.


‘The Dodil’ is an adult toy you can shape and reshape with your own hands, to fit individual preferences and anatomy. It is playful, body-safe and eco-friendly.​ You can please read more about us at​​​​​​​

“Considering the amazing orgasms it gave me, how fun it is, the ease of use, the pretty colour, and the company’s likeability, I can only urge you: if this sounds like something you’d like, please go for it. It’s wonderful.”​

“Dodil is the first and only, truly user-friendly toy for intimate pleasure, which is confiding the shaping and reshaping of the individual design into the hands and anatomy of the user, with non-toxic and biodegradable materials.”

A dildo revolution

The making of your personally perfected dream-dildo is now basically in your hands. When heated, the dodil is soft and shapeable. At this stage, its playful flexibility enables you to a DIY dildo-designing. When cooled down, it turns hard in the shape you want. Whenever you so wish, you can then reheat and repeat to make any new designs. Therefore, the dodil is a diversity of many dildos, in just one body-safe and eco-friendly piece.

Hands-on design

With its transformable design, the dodil saves you money. The dodil-solution replaces a wide range of differently sized and shaped dildos of static design and questionable quality.


By being uniquely 90% biodegradable, the dodil drives a shift towards a healthier planet. Step by step, one dodil at a time, we better the world by succeeding a variety of many less ecological adult-toys on the market.


A medical grade thermoplastic, in combination with a stretchy and body-safe silicone, makes the dodil absolutely body-safe. With every heating your dodil automatically gets sterilized.

Green shipping

We always aim at delivering your dodil-products as fast as we can, with the least possible impact on the environment. Therefore, we also compensate for carbon offset in our shipping.

Unique packaging

We deliver your dodil-dildo in a teal-coloured practical steel-thermos. It works as a vessel for the heating, as well as a discreet and durable hide-out.

Pride & Ethics

As a company we are willing to learn on the topics of diversity, equality, gender neutrality and LGBT+, and we always strive to support and progress these subjects.


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