www.spinealign.com | Weird Pillow, Amazing Sleep | This Chiropractor Designed Pillow Can Change Your Life ! Stop losing sleep over your pillow!

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www.spinealign.com | Weird Pillow, Amazing Sleep | This Chiropractor Designed Pillow Can Change Your Life !


Dr. Jason Loth, CCSP, CSCS, CMTA. has been practicing sports chiropractic for over 17 years and found that the number one most important thing to Performance is a good night sleep. Especially in a sport like rugby that is so demanding on the body. He invented the Spine Align pillow (www.Spinealign.com) which is a fully customizable cervical Contour pillow that can help people achieve correct sleeping posture in both the back and side sleeping positions. This helps them sleep comfortably which can allow them to get to the deep levels of sleep fully allowing their body to rest and recover effectively so their body is able to perform at its optimal potential.

Read the testimonials on > www.Spinealign.com, below is a flavour !

“Best pillow I have ever bought!

I just bought my second spine align pillow. Before I used the spine align pillow I would wake up with a stiff neck daily and a headache 4 to 5 times a week. With the spine align pillow, I now wake up rested and with no pain.”

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