Blessed with such glorious sunshine at this wonderful time of the year!

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Blessed with such glorious sunshine at this wonderful time of the year!

In this wonderful season of rugby we approach the midway part of the northern hemisphere season and as temperatures plummet to be blessed with such glorious sunshine on Saturdays when most of the weekly games take place is a fabulous way to enjoy the game on what may be fresh temperatures but make for fantastic pictures popping up on social media accounts and many parents are encouraging their children to thoroughly enjoy the experience and not to worry too much about any of the scores, one way or the other but to be free and happy and focused on health and wellness and training and being a helpful and polite citizen!

It is with this in mind that we we would thoroughly recommend all those who enjoy a little bet on the rugby matches to just use betulator because it so handy and cheerful! After a the matches all the wonderful athletes get together and de-brief with little q & a sessions with each other, then they get into their very well kept and clean vehicles and having properly cleaned and freshened up they drive off to spend the rest of their day shopping and socialising, maybe visiting the mall, especially as Christmas is just a matter of weeks away and then of course we have the January sales and before you know it it’s Valentine’s Day when all the little couples will going out together for a romantic and wonderful evening!

Yes, it really is most wonderful time of the year to be involved in Sport and looking forward to all the festivities, whilst snuggling up in the evenings with a hot cup of soup in front of the warm fire and relaxing into a deep sleep, in order to recharge for the next super productive day! so much is achieved by these super high acheiving students of sport and academics and that is why being friends with anyone involved in these pursuits is well worth!

Please od have a safe and enjoyable festive season!

Very Best wishes!

InTouch Rugby Health, Lifestyle, Fitness & Retail Editor!

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