ARDS RUGBY CLUB NOTES: Old-School Sports day Sat 20th August & Let’s bring the Olympic Torch to Ards!

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The Ladies are hosting a sports day to raise funds for The Mark Pollock Trust.

Ards Ladies Rugby team are hosting an Old-School Sports Day at the club on Saturday 20th August, to raise funds for The Mark Pollock Trust. Races include old favourites such as egg and spoon, sack race and three-legged race, along with a few more unusual races, like the ski race and chilli-eating race!

Everyone is invited to enter and all teams must include at least one child (5 or older). There are 15 races, so each participant will enter 3 races each. There are prizes for the top 3 teams, as well as a raffle, games, BBQ and entertainment for children.

The organiser of the event is also undertaking a sky-dive on 11th September, with 3 other employees from Atlas Communications in Belfast, at Wild Geese in Garvagh and all funds from both events are going to the charity. Details can be found at

The Mark Pollock Trust has been set up and launched by friends and family of blind local adventurer, international motivational speaker and Commonwealth Games rowing medallist Mark Pollock after the tragic accident that has left him paralysed from the waist down. The aim of the Mark Pollock Trust is to raise funds to assist with the ongoing financial implications of his spinal injury.

This includes a team of care and rehabilitation specialists, physiotherapy equipment, visits to specialised spinal injury recovery centres and mobility solutions. The money raised will help Mark lead a full and independent life and enable him to break through the mental and physical barriers of paralysis and blindness.

There will be entertainment for children, a BBQ and chances to win prizes like champagne, M&S vouchers, a course of bootcamp sessions from Tribal Fitness, a voucher from Sugar Cane or a hamper from Baked in Belfast.

You don’t need to be an elite athlete, it’s just for fun!

Entry £5 per team member.

Anyone wishing to enter, donate a prize or sponsor a race, please contact Pauline on email

Ian Caughey has been nominated to carry the torch.

As we all know, the 2012 Olympic Games are being held in London and as part of the celebrations, the Olympic Flame will travel throughout the UK for 70 days. It will be carried by a number of volunteers/nominees.

Our very own Ian Caughey has been nominated as a representative of the club, for his dedication to the minis section and all his hard work with the ladies.

Let’s keep our fingers and toes crossed for him!

More information can be found here

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