Oomo 3D Earbuds, Movie Theater Surround Sound In Your Pocket, imagine this relaxing on holidays. >> www.indiegogo.com/projects/oomo-3d-earbuds-endorsed-by-hollywood-s-audio-team#/

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Oomo 3D Earbuds, Movie Theater Surround Sound In Your Pocket, imagine this relaxing on holidays. >> www.indiegogo.com/projects/oomo-3d-earbuds-endorsed-by-hollywood-s-audio-team#/


Innovation revolutionizing the way you experience sound!

Endorsed by Hollywood’s multi-award winning sound engineers.

Sound quality so good, recording artist and video game developers can use it to test their sound.

Do you love live performances?
Do you like watching movies in a big surround sound theater?
When streaming your favorite home movie, do you find yourself turning up the volume to hear the dialogue but turning volume all the way down to balance out the music?
Does hearing the crisp and clear sound of every note in a song or music composition bring you joy?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions then OOMO is for you.

Revolutionary Earbuds with patent pending OOMO Surround Sound Technology providing insanely superior sound quality. OOMO takes your listening experience to new levels.

Experience audio the way the pros do. Hear the crisp sound of everything you listen to from music to movies.

Feel the sound coming from and moving in all directions.

No more turning the volume high to hear the dialogue. Hear every word crisp and clear.

It has taken a renowned acoustic expert, Jammy Liu, a genius in his field, eight years, to perfect the Earphones that produce sound quality bar none.

A Social Purpose Enterprise, half of the manufacturing cost of every pair sold will go toward providing hearing impaired individual, with a gift of sound, from hearing aid to surgery.

Let’s bring the world together through sound.

Game Enthusiasts: 

Take your gaming skills to the next level by knowing the direction of each sound

Recording Artists: 

Hear the crisp and clear sound of every note in a song or musical composition, hear the balance of your track

Movie Buffs: 

Experience streaming movies the way they are meant to be, with theatre-like surround sound










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