Young Farmers’ Clubs Of Ulster Tag Rugby Tournament: THE FINALS!!!!!!!! In Pictures – Spectacular Tag From the Farmers

0 minutes, 58 seconds Read

Set @ Ballymoney Rugby Club the Young Farmers Tag Rugby Finals were played in superb sunshine on Saturday.

YFCU Tag Rugby, sponsored by Northern Bank saw teams from around the province battling it out during the week for a place in the finals, Co Down, Fermanagh, Armagh & Tyrone, Magherafelt for Co Antrim & L’Derry.

Awesome skills and great fun throughout the tournament made for on of the best so far.

Below are pictures from the Finals and the heats.

We managed to find 92 super pictures of the final taken by the Ballymoney Rugby Photographer. To view them CLICK HERE

For pictures from HEAT 1 in Armagh – CLICK HERE
& For Heat 2 – CLICK HERE

Special thank you to Northern Bank for sponsoring the tournament, the video below is an interview with John Henning (Head of Agriculture @ Northern Bank) commenting on why they the event.

[youtube a9MmIm_WCsU]

Well done to everyone including the superb refereeing by the Ulster Rugby development coaches & YFCU organisers.

We managed to find 92 super pictures of the final taken by the Ballymoney Rugby Photographer. To view them CLICK HERE

For pictures from HEAT 1 in Armagh – CLICK HERE
& For Heat 2 – CLICK HERE

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