Wallaby Woes – Ex-Wallaby Captain Michael Lynagh shamed into wearing British and Irish Lions jersey

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London – 29 June 2013 – Today Microsoft brought a great sporting rivalry to a bitter end when rugby legend and ex-Wallaby captain Michael Lynagh was forced to don a British and Irish Lions Jersey in Federation Square, Melbourne. The public humiliation, which can be viewed online, was a forfeit for losing a three day challenge that tested the support and devotion of Australian fans against Lions fans. The events unfolded at Microsoft’s Hole in the World, a unique, interactive portal connecting fans in the UK and Australia and bringing the Lions Tour closer to home.

Peering down the Hole in the World to witness the toe-curling action was ex-Lion and Former Welsh Captain Martyn Williams, who celebrated after leading Lions fans to victory in Queen St, Cardiff. The challenges included a rugby themed breakdance performance and a good old fashioned sing-off between UK and Aussie fans, with the loudest supporters bagging the test. Fans who couldn’t make it to the locations got involved with the action by voting for the challenges online at www.holeintheworld.co.uk.

The three day challenges saw a clean sweep for the Lions fans. On day one the Lions break-dancers were voted winners by fans online. On day two, Lions supporters were victorious in a Twitter quiz to judge fans’ rugby knowledge. But ultimate glory was seized after Lions fans sang with pride and reached a tinnitus-inducing 110 decibels in Queen street, Cardiff drowning out the meeker marsupial effort which notched up just 105 decibels. Fans at the Hole in the World Melbourne site were also treated to a live performance by Welsh band, Manic Street Preachers who were there to celebrate the end of the challenges. Cardiff fans were able to listen to the live performance at the UK Hole in the World.

To see what happened over the three days, check out the breakdancing and singing challenges and see an Australian rugby icon grimacing in shame, head to www.holeintheworld.co.uk

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