Ulster Bank League Tables Round Up

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Bangor competing in an Ulster Bank All Ireland competition for the fist time in god knows how long simply did not turn up today. That gentleman is not a criticism its a fact. Thats how big this is thats how much this means and a club who have lit up rugby in the past 12 months will come out fighting you can bet your bottom dollar, meanwhile

Hinch are 5th in their league, they have put together an incredible team this season, built on many many years of knowledge and work and fighting for every inch to move forward, they’ve seen the rough end of defeats before but last season they took something like 8 defeats in a row but got the losing bonus points, LADS THIS IS GRIT and if you can;t handle that statement then forget getting your head into it because that is what its about. Are Hinch the greatest rugby team that ever walked the face of the earth, no of course not, are you the greatest rugby player that ever lived, no of course not! What gets everyone through is not only ammassing great rugby players, but creating a cold driven focus on success, on working together to achieve that success on getting into the right mind set to cross that LINE TOGETHER IN A GREAT FRENZY OF PASSION,

If there is one thing we will not do its fold, if we do we pick ourselves back up again, we dust ourselves down and we regroup and we refocus on success on the working hard at this fighting forwards pack rugby and giving back a bit of medicine to them!

In the Div 1B Ballymena are 4th in their league, a league shared by Belfast Harlequin and MAlone. We let me tell you something, TEAMS and the bond, and the togetherness and the willingness to put aside it all and fight for every inch to defend and attack and reorganise and zone into one thing in our lives for the next 6 weeks, one thing, RUGBY thats what it is, look at McIlroy, drops the bird and goes on a roll, does he need help here and there yes he does but the heart and the absolute will to clear the mind of all the crap and focus and go for it, come WHAT MAY, come WHAT MAY we stare into it and perform together and anyone whos got a problem with that can clear off! We get with the programme and go for it.

No were gonna go on a rollercoaster ride for 6 weeks, come along if you want or not not my problem but I’m gonna go on a rugby run here and I’m gonna see it the whole way through, i’m gonna fight for every millimeter!

In division 2A Queens are in 4th, Bann are in 7th, Derry are in 11th, and Rainey are in 13th and Dungannon in 16th. THERES GONNA BE SOME Bloody dog fights in these leagues this is a race to the finish, with no room for squemish, no room for anything other than the run, to zone into the game, to get into the game and play rugby and close them down and put together the patterns and cross that line over and over again TOGETHER attianing PERFECT RUGBY!

In 2B Armagh are 3rd lads and Ards are bottom of the table, thats it lads the odds are damn as near it Ards are going down, but they won;t be going down without a fight, yeah alot of people are angry about it, yes, and so on and so forth, no problem, but right now its 6 weeks of full on going for it, every game, playing a bit of rugby our way, throwing of the cobwebs, blowing out the lungs and having a go, and were gonna roller along the whole way!

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