4.2 MILLION MEN WOULD HAPPILY TRADE IN BEER FOR A YEAR INSTEAD OF GOING GREY Recent study finds one in five (20%) British men regularly worry about their hair going grey

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Recent study finds one in five (20%) British men regularly worry about their hair going grey

Feeling old topped the poll of fears about going grey

One in seven men would be happy for their football team to lose for almost a third of a season if it meant they would not go grey



Going grey has always been a beauty taboo for women, but new research[1] reveals that finding the first silver hair strand strikes a huge amount of fear into a man’s heart.

The study commissioned by Just for Men Control GX found that one in five (20%) men in the UK worries about going grey, and as a result a significant 1.1 million men have shaved their head to try to avoid this defining milestone.

When asked what they would trade-in for keeping their natural hair colour, 17% of men admit they would happily sacrifice beer for a whole year if it meant they would avoid going grey, which equates to a staggering 4.2 million men[2] nationwide. A further one in seven (14%) would forgo their beloved football team winning for almost a third of a season[3] and almost 5% (1.2 million men[4]) would even be happy to give up sex for an entire year – showing a desire to hold onto their hair colour is more powerful than libido for some men.

Concern is most prevalent in young guys aged 25-34 with almost half (42%) worrying about finding their first grey strand, suggesting men are fretting about turning grey at a young age, which may be down to stress.

So why are men fretting about the greying process? Feeling old topped the poll of fears about going grey in this age group, with 35% of them feeling the pressure to stay young, while nearly a quarter (23%) worry their partner will no longer find them attractive once the grey begins to show. Interestingly, this concern is most prevalent in London with almost double the number of men than those in Birmingham and Manchester believing that going grey will make them less attractive to other women (11%, 5.5% and 4.3%).

Liverpool is the city that is most concerned about going grey with nearly a third of guys (31%) admitting it as a worry, while men in Nottingham claim to be the least worried (11%).

Just for Men research also shows men are more likely to confide in their barber about their fear of going grey (22%) than their friends and nearly half (46%) would be more likely to colour their hair to cover greys[5].

Alan Beak, head barber at Ruger barbers in Greater Manchester said: “These findings are no surprise to me. From speaking to men in the salon, it’s pretty clear that going grey causes them a lot of anxiety. In some instances, men are even fretting more about finding their first grey hair than over their jobs or relationships.”

“For men that are conscious of their grey hair but are hesitant to pick up a bottle of hair dye, there are now quick and easy steps that can be taken to reduce the look of greys. Control GX is a truly innovative product that is made for men to gradually reduce grey hair, offering a coverage solution that looks natural. There won’t be any extra grooming time involved either, as men can simply swap out their normal shampoo until they reached the desired effect.”




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