Belfast Harlequins Womens Rugby I XV 39 v Sligo Womens Rugby I XV 32 – IN 500+ Action SHOTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS LIVE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Impossible task to pick the main image for this post, there were so many team performances from everyone. Like every try scored today the whole team was involved, Sorcha supported by her sister Alanagh spots a way through to the white line and we just think you can see the knowing look in here yes […]

City Of Armagh RFC Notes: Womens’ Section is going from strength to strength Mini Section + U15 + U18 + SNR Side women from across the Orchard County Are Giving rugby a Try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Womens’ Rugby in Armagh City of Armagh Rugby Club’s Womens’ Section is going from strength to strength. For the first time in the history of the Club, the Mini section, on a Saturday morning, has now a dedicated girls’ training group. All Primary School Age girls are welcome and, at last week’s training, there were […]