Armagh/Monaghan Rugby U19 XV Are The CHAMPIONS! Nutty Krust 2011: Featured Article On the Final v Rainey Old Boys Rugby U19 XV: Includes InTouch TV highlights & interviews from both sides + links to lots of pictures

What a tournament this year. The best U19 XVs in Ulster battled it out to decide the Ultimate U19 Champions. Official report is to follow [youtube 4oihzFek760] [youtube 98_yrxloG10] In the meantime InTouch TV video highlights below and links to pictures including links to professional images in high resolution from Tony Hendron. This years tournament […]

NUTTY KRUST 2011: SEMI FINAL 2: Rainey Old Boys Rugby U19 I XV 20 v Omagh Rugby U19 I XV 19: IN Pictures + Video Highlights from both sides + Interviews: An absolutely Cracking Game! Report & Man Of The Match To Follow + More Pictures

CICK HERE FOR 97 Pictures [youtube c3GvmjiWMhE] [youtube DLVED1m4G4E] NUTTY KRUST FLOODLIT TOURNAMENT 2011 Rainey 20 Omagh 19 Rainey emerged as winners from a cracking semi final tussle with Omagh in Thursday’s Nutty Krust semi final. In a match bristling with enterprising play by both sides the large crowd in attendance were kept on tenderhooks […]

Rainey Old Boys Rugby club Notes: I XV 28 v Suttonians Rugby I XV & RAINEY ARE THE FORSTER CUP CHAMPIONS 2011: Includes Pictures

RAINEY OLD BOYS RUGBY [youtube LchwnuARrRY] SUTTONIANS 24 – 28 RAINEY O.B. While they were well below their best,Rainey Old Boys were happy to make it ten wins from their last eleven AIL games and extend their winning run to seven games on the trot by beating Suttonians 28-24 at the J.J.Mc Dowell Memorial Park. […]


the Final Games To Be Played: Some Have Achieved Their Objectives – for Some It will Happen Over The Next Few Weeks. Only They Will Decide That Updated tables. New Pictures, some with new interviews and video clips. Each club has their own section below: ENJOY and follow them here each week. Dungannon, Ballynahinch, Malone, […]