PICK UP A PAOLOZZI THIS FATHER’S DAY £12 + delivery & you will be sent a Paolozzi Lager presentation pack

PICK UP A PAOLOZZI THIS FATHER’S DAY www.edinburghbeerfactory.co.uk   FACEBOOK | TWITTER | INSTAGRAM Paolozzi Lager, from the family-owned Edinburgh Beer Factory, is a the most stylish and delicious gift for Father’s Day. Hit www.edinburghbeerfactory.co.uk/shop, and for just £12 + delivery costs, you will be sent a Paolozzi Lager presentation pack. This includes three bottles […]

Presentation of the Dr Hunter Cup to Bill Lockhart “For outstanding and Devoted Service to Instonians”

Pic: Ken Keane presents Bill Lockhart the Dr. Hunter Cup for Outstanding and Devoted Service to Instonians At this year’s Instonians Club AGM, Bill Lockhart was awarded the Dr Hunter Cup for outstanding and Devoted Service to Instonians. Unfortunately Bill was away on business and the Cup was later presented to Bill by Ken Keane, […]

InTouch TV Presents: The Rosie Cup Final Tries, Conversions, Plays + The Cup Presentation to QUB RFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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RUGBY CLUB WINS 3 AWARDS AT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESENTATION St. Patrick’s Day Parade Winners 2012 Best Band Letterkenny and District Caledonia Pipe Band Business Orchard Inn & Pulse Niteclub Sport Letterkenny Rugby Club Tourism Lurgybrack Open Farm Youth Encore Performing Arts Environment Donegal Travellers Project Respecting and Connecting Project Community Letterkenny Reunion Carnival Gaeil […]