5 Musts for Post Run Recovery

5 Musts for Post Run Recovery Do your legs turn to jelly as soon as you cross the finish line? With the rush of endorphins, and relief at finishing sometimes the last thing you can think about is getting you body back to normal. Unfortunately, any form of long distance running from 5K to 26 […]

Relaxation for rugby players, 50% of your time should be spent relaxing, taking it easy, resting and switching off……..

Relaxation for rugby players, 50% of your time should be spent relaxing, taking it easy, resting and switching off……..   TWITTER The importance of relaxation in the arena of Sport is as fundamental as the role of fitness, training, studying and practicing, and the long list of areas that are essentials. As essential as relaxing […]

4.2 MILLION MEN WOULD HAPPILY TRADE IN BEER FOR A YEAR INSTEAD OF GOING GREY Recent study finds one in five (20%) British men regularly worry about their hair going grey

4.2 MILLION MEN WOULD HAPPILY TRADE IN BEER FOR A YEAR INSTEAD OF GOING GREY Recent study finds one in five (20%) British men regularly worry about their hair going grey Feeling old topped the poll of fears about going grey One in seven men would be happy for their football team to lose for […]

HERBALIFE 24 Nutrition For The 24-Hour Athlete >> Featured Option, REBUILD STENGTH > www.herbalife24.com

HERBALIFE 24 Nutrition For The 24-Hour Athlete >> Featured Option, REBUILD STENGTH > www.herbalife24.com   FACEBOOK | TWITTER | YOUTUBE | INSTAGRAM “In search of sports nutrition products and thought leadership, look no further thanHerbalife24™, a comprehensive performance nutrition line utilized by athletes all over the world. Every batch of Herbalife24™ products is analyzed for […]

Book! Fitness for Winning Rugby by Rex Hazeldine & Chic Carvell, “How You Train Determines How You Win” >> http://www.austinmacauley.com/book/fitness-winning-rugby

Book! Fitness for Winning Rugby by Rex Hazeldine & Chic Carvell, “How You Train Determines How You Win” >> www.austinmacauley.com/book/fitness-winning-rugby   FACEBOOK | TWITTER | GOOGLE+ | YOUTUBE | PINTEREST | INSTAGRAM   Endorsed by Maggie Alphonsi MBE (England Ladies International picturePlayer) and Geoff Richards (Ex Australian International Player and England Ladies coach) Fitness for […]

5 Reasons Why Pictuer Keeper Connect is an Essential Item for Athletes >>> www.picturekeeper.com

5 Reasons Why Pictuer Keeper Connect is an Essential Item for Athletes >>> www.picturekeeper.com   FACEBOOK | TWITTER | PINTEREST | INSTAGRAM Simplified IT Products, LLC, maker of Picture Keeper. Picture Keeper Connect is a simple all-in-one USB device with embedded software that makes it easy to transfer photos, contacts and videos directly from your Phone […]