EXCLUSIVE: How to transform your fitness at 50 with Back2Fitness! TEST CASE > Businessman Bren achieves body goals with Back2Fitness > www.back2fitness.co

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SUCCESS: How to transform your fitness at 50 with Back2Fitness! TEST CASE > Businessman Bren achieves body goals with Back2Fitness > www.back2fitness.co


Back2Fitness is a 12-week exercise and nutrition programme that aims to engage with professional businessmen, average Joes and former sportsmen that have let their fitness levels dwindle due to injury or family and work commitments.

England rugby legend, Neil Back MBE co-founded the 12-week programme with leading strength and conditioning coach, Sam Yassin in a bid to get males back to their former healthier selves whilst still maintaining a busy lifestyle.

Back2Fitness’ most recent client, Bren Foster, a 53-year-old managing director at Space Outdoor in Leicester, has recently transformed his body image and despite having a demanding job he has still found time to fit exercise into his busy schedule.

Results to be proud of – Businessman Bren achieves body goals with Back2Fitness

With a full-on job as a managing director for national company, Space Outdoor in Leicester, Bren Foster regularly pulls in 70 hours a week with many of those hours spent on the road visiting clients.

Thanks to his unpredictable working life, 53-year-old Bren found himself eating the wrong things, skipping meals and missing gym sessions.

Yet, following a 12-week programme Bren is now in the best shape of his life, with ripped abs and obliques, toned arms and back, bulging biceps and awesome glutes leaving him looking and feeling better than ever.

So, what is Bren’s secret? Is it hours spent hitting the gym every day and a diet of little more than protein shakes? No, this busy business man has hit his peak following the 12-week Back2Fitness programme, developed especially for men looking to boost their fitness and tone their body.

The programme delivers a clear, defined training and nutrition plan which is easy to follow and maximises time spent training.

“What I found with the programme” explained Bren, “is that everything was laid out for me. The plan told me what I needed to do and when, as someone dipping in and out of the gym, I needed that level of structure to keep me on track.”

For Bren, as with many men, it was important that the programme could fit into his lifestyle, because the programme is designed to maximise effort, Bren’s gym sessions are efficient, meaning he isn’t spending hours in the gym getting nowhere.

“I see guys at the gym doing the same old exercises and they’ve plateaued but don’t know what to do to kick start things. Back2Fitness did that for me, it lifted me out of the fitness and nutritional rut I was in and gave me a clear, structured plan to follow that delivered results.”

The programme also re-educated Bren on nutrition, including what to put into his body to achieve great results. “At first,” confirmed Bren, “getting used to the volume of food I was expected to eat took some getting used to.”

“With Back2Fitness the portion sizes are huge, the opposite to how you expect to eat when looking to get in shape, but because I was training so effectively I needed to put in the right fuel and the results speak for themselves.”

The results Bren refers to include losing 3kg in weight and dropping 4” off his waist!

Bren isn’t the only success story from the programme, its most famous follower is rugby hero, Neil Back MBE who helped carry England to glory in the 2003 Rugby World Cup.

“Seeing the results Neil had achieved was a big draw for me,” explained Bren, “when it comes to choosing a fitness/diet plan there are so many to choose from – it can be overwhelming.”

He continued: “When I spotted that Neil had achieved results with Back2Fitness, I knew that if it was good enough for a rugby legend, it was good enough for me!”

The Back2Fitness programme brings many benefits including:

Streamlined, toned physique
Greater cardiovascular fitness
Better quality sleep
Boosted energy levels
Improved general wellbeing

To find out more about the Back2Fitness range of programme packages, visit www.back2fitness.co











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