Special Wedding Feature! Congratulations To Declan & Gemma Fitzpatrick: Pictures From The Day & Clip Of The Happy Couple Driving Off ~ Just Married!

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What a wonderful day. Puts it all into persective and not only is christmas in the air but love is in the air as Declan & Gemma Fitzpatrick enjoyed a superb day. A great day for Ulster player Declan who has dazzled the Ulster crowd with his rugby and become a highly respected member of the squad, the players turned out in force to spend this very special day with their friends Gemma & Declan.

We managed to get some pictures of the happy couple – CLICK HERE

And a real magic moment as they pulled of in a Herbie (I think) absolutely charming just click play on the clip below:

[youtube XhcCdKbNW2g]

The wedding took placre @ Newry cathedral and the reception was in Cabra Castle. A very many congratulations to them!

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