At Last! An End To The Misery Of Summer Cold Sores !

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At Last! An End To The Misery Of Summer Cold Sores



Revolutionary new cold sore treatment, SoreFix®, acts like a fire extinguisher for your lips.

Summer sun and exam stress doesn’t have to mean ‘crispy bacon’ lips, thanks to a revolutionary new product that leads the European market – which has become a secret ‘wonder product’ used by the in-the-know make-up artists and beauty fans across the UK.

SoreFix® works in a different way from acyclovir based products – it prevents outbreaks by providing a physical barrier which reflects and blocks cold sore triggers from reaching healthy cells.

If a cold sore appears, SoreFix® works immediately at the first sign. It treats cold sores by relieving symptoms at all four stages (tingling, itching, blistering and burning) reducing the severity of the sore, thereby speeding healing time, giving faster results.

Around 60% of adults carry the herpes simplex virus (source: Herpes Association ) that causes cold sores and once infected, the herpes simplex virus cannot be cured. The virus stays in the body endlessly, causing unsightly outbreaks typically around the mouth, nose and chin area.

Cold sores aren’t just restricted to winter. Common triggers include stress, changes of routine and summer sun. Exams, hot holidays and even festivals can see nasty Summer cold sores break outs.


“Research suggests that often people build up immunity to acyclovir-based products, which make up most of the main cold sore brands in the UK, and therefore people think cold sore products don’t work,” said Laurence Smith, MD of Zeon Healthcare. “SoreFix® is effective in a completely different way which is proven to work, treating and protecting lips from getting cold sores year round.

SoreFix® is also formulated as a pleasant to use lip product which offers fuller hydrated lips, containing Vitamin E, UV protection and antioxidant ingredients.

One cold sore sufferer and SoreFix® user, Heather said: “Cold sores are horrible – especially when you’re going on a date or have an important work fixture. I’ve tried lots of products in the past – desperate for them to work, but to no avail. SoreFix is different – it’s like a really high quality balm that leaves my lips feeling full and soft, but it also stops cold sores in their tracks. It’s changed my life – and put an end to endless cycles of cold sores.”

Available as a lip balm in a handy 6ml tube and 10ml jar SoreFix® is transparent and therefore, discreet to use. Both SoreFix® products have a Retail Selling Price of £7.47 and are available from Superdrug and independent pharmacies everywhere.

For more info go to: @SoreFixUK #SoreFixUK



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