Report & Images Instonians 1s progress to Quarter final of JNR Cup (28 Photos)

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1st XV win well at Portadown to go into the Qtr Final of Junior Cup Portadown 5 – Instonians 27

Instonians travelled to this second round Junior Cup game to Chambers Park in Portadown.

Conditions were fine with Instonians enjoying the benefits of a brisk breeze in the first half.

They got off to a dream start when Joe Fryers, playing at centre, intercepted a pass on the Portadown 10 metre line and sprinted away to score wide out. Out-half Fraser Wright added the conversion and Instonians were 7 points up with barely 90 seconds on the clock!

It got better, the Portadown restart did not go 10 metres and while they left the ball, big second row, Conor Brockschmidt, slipped in to steal it and set off on a rampaging run into the Portadown 22. Several phases later the ball was fed back to Fraser Wright who calmly dropped a goal. Ten nil up and about 5 minutes on the clock!

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Two post match interviews took place after the game

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