Regent House GS Tour Magic: McCartney Scores An Intercept Try, Sinnamon Solid With The Boot!!!!!!!! They Win 2 out of 2

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The Regent Squad of 26 players and 3 staff departed for Manchester on an early flight from Belfast Int and checked into the Premier Inn close to the Reebok Stadium, Bolton. 1st match V Hutton Grammar on Thursday, Regent won 24 – 5. Nathan Burns 2 tries, Alan Sinnamon 1 conversion HT 12-5. Curtis McCartney and Jamie McKnight tries, Alan Sinnamon 1 conversion. On Friday afternoon the squad went go-karting and travelled to Edgley Park to see the evening kickoff between Sale Sharks and Saracens, the latter winning by a handsome margine. On Saturday morning we had a 10 o’clock kickoff against Bolton School, a tough encounter ensued with Regent holding a half time 7 nil lead through an intercept try by left wing Curtis McCartney with Alan Sinnamon adding the conversion. 10 mintes after the restart right wing Jonny Carmichael squeezed in for the second try at the corner flag. 10 minutes later flanker Jamie McKnight touched down in the left corner after a front peel at the lineout. Late pressure on the Regent line resulted in a try for the home side with two minutes to go. Regent saw out the match to secure a hard earned 17-5 victory. Later on Saturday the squad attended the Bolton V Blackburn match, which saw the home side earn a vital 3 points in the relegation battle. On Sunday the squad visited the massive and impressive Trafford Centre Manchester, where they sampled crazy golf and enjoyed some retail therapy before travelling to the airport for the return flight to Belfast Int.
An enjoyable and busy tour was enhanced by the Mediterranean like tmeperatures. A big thanks goes to our sponsors; Hughes Insurance, TG Eakin Ltd, Phillip Gill and Co and Alan Deering Consultant Engineering.

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