Recipe! Sweet Mixed Spice Flavoured Pancakes! Its not all about sugar this Pancake Tuesday !

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Recipe! Sweet Mixed Spice Flavoured Pancakes! Its not all about sugar this Pancake Tuesday !

Spice Pots are a Scottish food company, who provide 100% natural, perfectly balanced spice blends to create easy, quick and delicious family friendly curries and other Indian-inspired food.

They have a Sweet Mixed Spice Blend (image below RRP £3.95) which tastes delicious when added to your pancake mixture.

This is their Sweet Spice Pancake recipe for delicious & simple pancakes.

140g Self raising flour
3 tbsp brown sugar
1 large egg
300ml milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 tsp sweet spice
2 tbsp melted butter

1. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sweet spice, sugar and ½ tsp salt. In a jug, whisk the egg, milk, vanilla and melted butter. Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour in the milk mixture gradually, whisking as you go to make a smooth batter. Ideally, let the mixture stand for 1 hr (or even overnight, covered in the fridge), although you can cook with it straight away.

2. Heat a non-stick frying pan over a medium-high heat. Melt a knob of butter, then drop in tbsps of the mixture to make pancakes about 10cm across. Cook for 2-3 mins until bubbles appear on the surface, then flip over and cook for 1 min more. Keep each batch warm while you use up the rest of the batter. Stack up the pancakes and serve with hot or cold compote, maple syrup and yogurt.

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