PROPTALK: Mark McGrath Belfast Harlequins

1 minute, 18 seconds Read

Height: 6″2
Weight: 18 1/2 stone
Tight or loose: Both
Clubs: Belfast Harlequins

Played for Methody 1XV in my final year at school.

When did rugby begin for you?
Rugby began for me at the early age of 7 when my dad brought me down to collegians mini rugby. I loved it then and havent missed a year of it yet and strangely enough still play with some of the friends I made from that team.

Who were the best props/teams you played against?
Dunngannon are a team that spring to my mind for this category. This year makes a good example, I was playing tight head against Glen Sinnamon and he had me sized up in those scrums. Was a very long day at the office!

A memorable moment?
This year I had my first AIL start and first AIL try against Thomond.

What does it feel like to prop?
This question reminds me of a time when I was 15 and I was racing my bike down a hill. My brakes failed at the bottom of the hill and I went head first over a fence and faceplanted ten yards away from my bike… oh how I miss those pain free days!

Who is the biggest bandit on Quins team?
This honour has to go to Babsie. Always the 1st to say win or lose on the booze, always the 1st to get his kit off and always the 1st home and in bed! What a hero.

Shaved or unshaved?

Beers, wines or spirits?
All of the above

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