PROPTALK: Alan Ferguson ~ Tighthead ~ Enniskillen RFC / Derrygonnellys Finest!

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hi Alan, check it out, let me know if ok

Name: Alan Ferguson
Height: 6′ 1.5
Weight: 116 kgs
Position: Tight/Loose Head Prop Forward

Where Have You Played?

Enniskillen RFC

Is there a memorable moment that sticks out?

The first try I scored was great. Took a pop pass from another prop about 10 metres from their line burst through 2 guys and over for the score, never forget it. I was also playing for our II XV against Instonians III, a very good side, they were on our 5 and we took the ball against the head, it was 4 years ago and it was one of the first times when things really clicked and we / I lol really achieved something game changing.

Technical Development? How did you learn the game?

I was a big cub, then i got bigger, there was not many other positions that were perfect for me so I naturally went towards prop. Nobody can teach you how to prop fully, they can show you how but how I learnt was coming up against old guys and if you did something wrong you knew all about it, so with help and work and discussing I picked up the skills. John Latimer in Enniskillen RFC has been a big help to myself and a lot of players, after a game John will show you what your doing wrong, if you something ask he will have answers.

What does a scrum feel like?

If your going forward its unbelievably good, if your going backwards its the worst thing imaginable. The most important thing when your scrumaging is to get the hit on. If you get a good hard hit in with the back straight and chin up not too many guys will come back from it. At tighthead your aim is to get underneath the guy, to stabilise the scrum, on our ball my priority is a stable scrum on their ball to mess them up taking into account where we are on the pitch. If its their ball get a good hit on and get all 8 involved and get vocal!

Who is the biggest bandit on the Enniskillen side?

Ricky Connor, mainly because he is deaf, Robbie Murray is always in trouble lol

What is the role of Tighthead Prop Forward?

1st, scrummage, 2nd do your duties round the park, rucking, gather ball and lift in the lineouts. All the time is giving the backs or back row a platform to play off.

What is the best thing about rugby?

The guys you meet, play with and against. I think prop is the best position, sometimes you wish the opposite guy will be good because afterwards your nearly always are first to meet up in the bar and get a drink, and discuss! There are props I play against who are good and we really have a go during the game but afterwards theres never any bad feeling.

Shaved or Un Shaved?

Un Shaved! lol

Beers, wines or Spirits?

When in London do as they do in Derrygonnelly – Spirits!

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