Perrenials Rugby Club Notes: More pictures v CIYMS, Gerry O’Donnell rises up the IRFU ranks, Venue change v Bannbridge & Casino night – CLICK HERE

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new pictures from Perrenials v CI Jan 2nd 2011 CLick Here

Gerry O’Donnell rises up the IRFU ranks

Gerry O’Donnell appointed to high profile position in IRFU

Gerry O’Donnell has been appointed as the Financial guru, to turn around the financial fortunes of the IRFU following the recent poor ticket sales at the Autumn International series.

A successful businessman, Gerry has tackled the task in the same manner as he tackled on the field.

Venue change – Next fixture Sunday 30 January 2011 v Banbridge

Please note that the game will now be switched to a Belfast venue. Further details to follow. A large turn out is required for our inaugural fixture against Banbridge. We need to know numbers going, so please phone Ann at AJ Hurst 028 90 770037 and confirm your availability.

Please keep an eye on the web site for venue details. CLICK HERE

Casino night – 11 March 2011

Just a reminder that a casino night to support the Newforge Taggers Tag Rugby Team has been organized for Friday 11 March 2011 at Shandon Park Golf Club.

Further details . CLICK HERE

Please put the date in your diary.

Click Here for 82 pictures of the game, you can then view the pictures individually or as a slideshow

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[youtube ts2eqH0OrqE]

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