Perennials Rugby Club News: Just Giving Robbie Runners Update + Provisional Fixtures! & Sept Munster Tour Is Set To Be A Classic

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In 2010 our fellow  Perennial Terry McCaw lost his son Robbie in 2010 to a brain tumour.

In the spirit with which he fought the disease, Robbies friends are trying to raise funds for Cancer Focus (ex Ulster Cancer Foundation). Any support you can give to support their fund raising efforts would be greatly appreciated.

Please donate through the following web site link.

Please give Terry your support

FIxtures for the 2012/2013 Season

FIXTURES CLICK HERE This will undoubtedly be a season of historic proportions for the Perennials who have undergone various surgical enhancements over the summer in preparation for youthful sides!

The Perennials will be touring Munster in Sept – Sparks will fly! Click here for info

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