Perennials RFC Presidents & Captains Welcome messages for the new season. + Opening Game of the season is 7th of Sept v Harlequins

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Welcome to the new season messages

President Colin McKee’s welcome mesage
As the new season approaches with our first match v Harlequins on Sunday 7th September 2014 can I ask all Perennials playing or non playing to please support your Captain, Davy Elliott,on playing days and whatever functions are organised during the year.

As always, the objective of the Perennials is not only for mature players and supporters to enjoy the game and social fun activities we have all come to love, but to help in whatever way, those less fortunate than us.

Have a great 2014-2015 season.
Colin McKeee President

Captain Davy Elliotts welcome message
Please support me and the team, in this exciting phase of my mid life crisis

Opening game of the season Perennials v Harlequins 07 September 2014
Our opening game of the season draws near against Harlequins on Sunday 07 September 2014 with a 14.30 hrs kick off.

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