Perennials RFC News: Tour Report “No More Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs” + Big T is on the mend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A great time was had by all and despite playing a form of rugby never experienced previously and annoying the majority of the players – a reasonable performance saw us lose – 4-2.Back to really rugby next match with no “snow white and the seven dwarfs”


The President, Mark Goldsbrough and Stewart Porter visited Terry (Terence) McCracken last night and we are delighted to report he is making great progress.

He has had wonderful treatment, medical attention and is supported by a very strong family circle.

It was uplifting to see how well he is recovering and his tremendous battling spirit.
Despite coming through so much he is looking forward very positively and is aiming to come and watch our next match at Harlequins on Sunday 14th October.

Well done Terry, continued best wishes, health and recovery from us all.

Image is from the 2011/12 season

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