Perennials Announce Club Charities

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Alzeimers Society Northern Ireland

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, affecting around 500,000 people in the UK. The term ‘dementia’ describes a set of symptoms which can include loss of memory, mood changes, and problems with communication and reasoning. These symptoms occur when the brain is damaged by certain diseases and conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease, which means that gradually, over time, more parts of the brain are damaged. As this happens, the symptoms become more severe.

Further information is available on their website CLICK HERE

Belfast East Rotary Club Charities

Rotary International comprises more than 1.2 million male and female business, professional, and community leaders who, as members of Rotary clubs, volunteer their time, talents, professional skills and energy to improving the lives of people in their local community and around the world fulfilling the Rotary Motto – Service Above Self.

Further information is available on their website CLICK HERE

The Centre for Independenst Living NI

The Centre for Independent Living NI is an organization of disabled people, working to support the right of disabled people to have choice and control in their lives and to take an active part in the community in which they live.

They provides a range of services to disabled people in NI, regardless of age or impairment, to support them to make their own life choices.

Further information is available on their web site CLICK HERE

The Finlay Porter Campbell College Trust

The trust is in memory of Finlay Porter, the son of our vice captain Stewart Porter, who lost his life at a very young age.

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