Ophir RFC: BIFFA Award helps Upgrade Club Facilities + YEar 8 Play Rugby Day & The Club Announce November the 30th As Ophir Day

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Ophir RFC are grateful for the funding provided by Biffa Award in our recent drainage scheme works. We now have facilities to be proud of!


On Friday 15th November 5 local schools will be took part in a Rugby blitz day.

Nov 30th = OPHIR DAY!

Big day up at the club on November 30th please come along and support the boys!

Nov 30th = OPHIR DAY!
Schedule of Events
Fun Walk from Belfast Zoo to Ophir beginning at 12
Food and Beverages at Ophir from 2
Ophir 1st XV and Ophir 2nd XV Home Matches
Man of the Match Presentations

Available players will be involved in the two home matches, so calling everyone else to come up and support!

……. follow the link for these stories http://www.ophirrugby.com/

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