The Diet Plate online > The online system is for people who are really keen to get their diet under control and make it as healthy as possible!

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The Diet Plate online > The online system is for people who are really keen to get their diet under control and make it as healthy as possible!


The Diet Plate online

The online system is for people who are really keen to get their diet under control and make it as healthy as possible, the system lets you optimise your intake, while reducing calories by 25% on a normal RDA, giving a weight loss of 2lbs a week.

The Diet Plate®online offers absolute support and education, if you treat it like a “weight loss project” and make sure you use it then you are almost guaranteed to lose weight and get healthier.

For instance, it asks some health questions one being, “do you have high blood pressure?” By answering yes, this will change the salt allowance in your diet, so the 100% achievement which the normal RDA is 6g will become 5g for this person. If the person says yes to being a diabetic, then the system will not allow their calories to fall under 1400 a day to avoid low sugars.

Once the questions are answered, it works with your BMR (not BMI) basal metabolic rate, to give you a personalised calorie weight loss zone (your green zone). If you constantly stay in your green zone, then you will lose 2lb a week. If you go into the red zone, then not to worry as the system will absorb the extra calories over a 2 week period delivering a new green zone for continued weight loss.

You can also choose how slow or fast you want to lose, a real food lover does not have to cut down too much to achieve weight loss, while those with a fierce determination can choose the fast route.

The progress bars, map your journey and tell you how well you are doing providing motivational support.

No system knows what type of food you eat until you spend a little time to enter it into the planner, but as you enter foods and save them to your planner this produces a new database personal just to you and not the rest of the world. This planner can be used to build your favourite recipes and you can cook for however many people you like. By just clicking the green plus sign on “add food” you can add ingredients and make a meal for 6. The planner will ask you how much you have had, 1 helping, 100g, 2 teaspoons, a male Diet Plate portion, a Female Diet Plate portion? It then recalculates all the calories and RDA’s in the recipe and only adds in what you have had. This means you can bulk cook if you normally do that at a weekend, so food is handy in the working week.

Once your personal database has started to grow, then it is just 2 clicks to add in what you eat making it really quick and easy. You can plan ahead too and devise meals for the future.

This is primarily a weight loss program but we have not forgotten fitness, you add in your activity in much the same way but the system will not take any notice of it until it sees that you are doing it regularly. Once that switch is thrown, then the green zone (weight loss zone) will change and you will be able to eat more as the system accounts for the increase in metabolism.

It works cross all platforms, from your PC to mobile. We have not bought in to a generic database, we set off using the USDA one (American) but have found discrepancies, so we ask people to enter foods not listed in the database from the nutritional labeling which will be more accurate and not take long to build.

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