NEWS: Sale Of Holywood RFC Grounds. Full Story Here.

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A for sale sign has been positioned on the railings in front of Holywood RFC grounds. After recieving various emails and questions we decided to find out more.

Both Holywood RFC and North Down Borough council submitted the following statements:

“Council, working in partnership with Holywood Rugby Football and Cricket Club, recently instructed its agents to put the Club at Kerr Park in Holywood for sale on the open market.

The site encompasses 4.5 acres and includes a rugby pitch and clubhouse. It benefits from residential planning permission.
The sale of the land is going ahead with the full support of the rugby and cricket club who have a long term lease on the site.
The asking price is £5m and the money raised from the sale will be used to finance new sporting facilities in Holywood.

These will comprise:
two new rugby pitches and a club house for Holywood Rugby Football and Cricket Club at adjacent land at Spafield
a new soccer pitch and pavilion for Holywood Football Club at Spafield
a new pavilion for Holywood Cricket Club’s new pitch at Seapark
a new hockey pitch and pavilion at Sullivan upper School for the use of both the school and the public.

Council has been working with the various sports clubs in Holywood and Sullivan Upper School to progress these plans for much needed new sporting facilities for several years. We are pleased that the long awaited development proposal has now got to a stage where the Kerr Park site can now be advertised for sale – this is a significant milestone. The closing date for offers on the site is Wednesday 20 October and if a successful bid is confirmed we will proceed to construction as soon as possible.”

North Down Borough Council

Clarke Wilson, HRFCC Rugby Chairman commented, “A lot of people from both the Holywood Club, and North Down Borough Council, have put an enormous amount of time and effort into trying to bring this project to a successful outcome. The potential sale of the site at Kerr Park won’t just benefit Rugby, the overall scheme will see state of the art facilities being delivered for Football, Cricket and Hockey within the Borough and give sports within the area a much needed boost” he went on to say “At Holywood RFCC we look very much to the future, we have invested time and what resources we have into a strong youth set-up at our club, as have all other sports within the area, and it would be fantastic to be able to see amenities being built which would undoubtedly benefit our young players for many years to come”

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