Gretta Mullan (Lic.I.S.H., RSHom) Homeopathy Clogher T: 028 8554 8429 The safe, gentle, effective way to better health

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Gretta Mullan Homeopathy Clogher T: 028 8554 8429 The safe, gentle, effective way to better health


Gretta Mullan Lic.I.S.H., RSHom Classical Homeopath

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine which is natural, safe and effective, and based on the principle of treating like with like.

Benefits of homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic, non-habit-forming, and have no harmful side-effects. When prescribed by a professional homeopath they may be safely used by everyone – babies, children, weak or sensitive patients, pregnant or nursing mothers, and the elderly.

Homeopathic remedies not only treat the immediate illness, but improve the over-all sense of well being, thus treating the totality of the patient.


How does it work?

Every living creature has within its being a force which maintains the balance of all bodily functions, we call this the “vital force”. When the balance of the vital force is upset it cannot maintain equilibrium, and sickness steps in. The goal of homeopathy is, not to treat just the sickness, but to restore the balance of the vital force, thereby restoring wellness on all levels – mental, emotional and physical. Homeopathic treatment strengthens the patient’s own healing ability, we treat the patient rather than the disease.


Origin of Homeopathy

Homeopathy comes from the Greek words homeo meaning “similar”, and pathos meaning “suffering”, thus Homeopathy means “similar suffering” or like is cured by like.

Two centuries ago Dr. Samuel Hahnemann developed the Law of Similars and called it Homeopathy.

Homeopathy today

Since the time of Samuel Hahnemann, Homeopathy has continued to develop and grow. According to the World Health Organisation homeopathy is one of the most widely used systems of medicine in the world today.

Homeopthic treatment

The key to success with Homeopathy lies in matching the treatment to the individual patient.

Your first consultation will last about one and a half hours. This allows me to take the necessary time and care to understand all the circumstances affecting your health. Follow-up visits will last about thirty minutes, during which I will assess any changes which may have taken place as a result of the treatment. Between visits you may phone me for advice or reassurance.

Somtimes patients seek my help with minor ailments such as tummy upsets or injuries such as broken bones or muscle sprains. Others seek treatment for more serious disease or chronic conditions.

Yet others seek to address the deeper aspects of their health, and homeopathic treatment can greatly help with problems of depression, and ailments from abuse or trauma.

I dispense remedies in the form of tablets or liquid, and provide instructions on how to take them and what to expect.

In addition to prescribing homeopathic remedies, I may also advise patients on supportive measures such as nutrition and lifestyle.


What to expect

Generally speaking, the longer a person has had an illness, the longer it takes to get better. However, every person is unique, responding to treatment in their own way. Sometimes changes happen quickly, while other times healing occurs more subtly over a long time.

Healing often involves some kind of release, in which the underlying cause of the illness comes to a more superficial level, to be expressed in a less harmful and more curative way. For example an emotional release in the form of tears, or a physical release in the form of a runny nose.

About me and my practice

I graduated from the Irish School of Homeopathy in Dublin, after a four year course of study and clinical practice. I have continued developing professionally in post graduate studies of the deeper pathology of chronic disease.

In 2007-8 I completed a course of study specialising in the treatment of people suffering from cancer. This was led by the world famous homeopath Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan who has dedicated his life to the development of his homeopathic methods of treating many forms of cancer.


Since I started using his method I have seen many levels of success and improved well-being in the cancer sufferers who seek homeopathic treatment.

I work to a strict code of professional ethics and practice. I am known as a classical homeopath. I have a full registration and insurance with the Society of Homeopaths in London.

If you would like more information you can contact me at my practice in Clogher. Whatever your reasons for consulting me, my aim is to provide a safe and supportive environment, in which I may help you to heal yourself.


How to contact me

To make an appointment or ask advice, you may phone me between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.

36 Fardross Road, Clogher, Co. Tyrone, BT76 OHH

Tel. 028 8554 8429

Gretta Mullan Natural Health
Tel: 028 8554 8429
36 Fardross Road, Clogher, BT76 0HH

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