Lord Taverners LV=SOS Kit Aid Scheme ~ Bath Rugby Players Donate 120kg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 minutes, 34 seconds Read

“Players from Bath RFC donate 120kg kit to Emsengeni Primary School in South Africa as part of The Lord’s Taverners LV= SOS Kit Aid Scheme. The pioneering initiative collects unused and unwanted cricket and rugby kit from UK schools, clubs and manufacturers and donates it to disadvantaged children across the world. As well as giving children of all abilities and backgrounds the chance to participate in sporting activities, LV=SOS Kit Aid also promotes social inclusion and helps protect the environment through recycling.”

Below is the clip that ‘follows the kit’ being donated by the Rugby RUFC as it makes it journey from Somerset to Eastern Province, South Africa:

[youtube DJI7DNzYx3U]

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