Limavady RFC Notes: I XV 6 v Grosvenor RFC I XV 6 + II XV 29 v Grosvenor RFC II XV 14 + III XV 18 v Strabane RFC II XV 22: Reports LIVE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Kukri Qualifying League 2 Limavady 1XV v Grosvenor 1XV John Hunter Memorial Grounds, Limavady

Grosvenor and Limavady played out an entertaining draw to share the spoils at the John Hunter Memorial grounds at the weekend. Both sides where keen to move forward but each teams defence was impregnable.

Limavady got off the mark first when Steven Kilburn converted a penalty on 25 minutes but Grosvenor struck back immediately with a penalty of their own, Mathew Little with an enormous kick from inside his own half which clipped the crossbar on its way over.

With little chances, not for the lack of trying from either side, both teams missed penalties before half time, leaving things even at the interval. HT 3-3

Grosvenor took the lead early int he second half, again Matty Little with a beast of a kick, but the remainder of the second half was much of the same, full back Steven Kilburn’s runs from deep where mesmerising and Kiwi outhalf Greg Jordan had his most impressive day in a Limavady shirt. Jordan and his half back partner Adam Kyle were full of tricks and Limavady looked the most likely to score. Centre pairing Stuart Hull and Chris Hunter continue to impress, both making impressive breaks.

The all blacks defence was equally brilliant. Perry Semple, Brian Hamilton and Richard McCollum seemingly at every breakdown and none missed a tackle all day. Front rowers, Andy Carmichael, Stuart Houston and Clive Scott also had a fantastic day at the office, while Willie McCollum and John Purcell also made valuable hard yardage at the breakdown.

Alan Kilburn and Bob Robinson also made some tremendous mazy runs from their wings, but the Grosvenor’s well drilled defence was able to match. Steven Kilburn missed 2 penalty attempts on 48 and 56 minutes, and the home team for all their pressure where unable to square the game. Grosvenor had chances too but the roesiders where able to cope with the pressure.

With 5 minutes to go, man of the match, Jordan (this honour could have equally went to his opposite number, Matty Little) seen an opportunity for a drop goal and to the delight of players and fans the referee raised his arm to indicate the 3 points.

At the final whistle the home fans roared with delight. For such a dull scoreline both sides played some very entertaining, running rugby, and although maybe both coaches will be a little disappointed with sharing the spoils, on hindsight they will be pleased not to have lost and to have witnessed very impressive rugby from all their players. FT 6-6

With no game next week Limavady have arranged a midseason friendly with local neighbours and fierce rivals Coleraine.

Junior League Section 4 Limavady 2XV v Grosvenor 2XV John Hunter Memorial Grounds, Limavady

Limavady were up for the big clash with our Belfast rivals who were lying in 4th place. From the start the Roe Valley men put pressure on the visitors hemming them within their half for much of the first half with only the odd visit into the Limavady half resulting from their kicks into touch. Limavady were awarded their first penalty of the afternoon after 8 minutes but decided to tap and go instead of taking 3 easy points in front of the posts and ended up losing possession, with Grosvenor kicking away to touch. On the 16 minute mark the first points for Limavady were kicked by Pearce McNickle after Grosvenor conceded another penalty to the left of the posts after a great pick-up and run by Lexie Magee deep into the visitor’s 22. On 23 minutes after good gain in territory by our mobile pack Ross Parkhill collected the ball from the ruck some 5 metres out and darted in at the side of the posts. The try was converted by Pearce to increase the score to 10 points.

On 32 minutes Grosvenor were awarded a penalty to the left of Limavady posts, which was kicked wide. The Limavady forwards continued to dominate the game inside the Grosvenor half and after Limavady knocked on just outside the 5m zone Grosvenor won possession and kicked the ball away only to be collected just inside the Grosvenor half on the right wing by Simon Logan who attacked the Grosvenor defensive line at full pace breaking through at least 6 tackles before scoring inside the posts. Pearce again duly converted the try increasing the score to 17 points, which remained unchanged up to half time.

Limavady started the second half where they left off at the end of the first half and again had the Grosvenor team defending from the start. This pressure was converted after 5 minutes into a penalty inside the 22 to the left off the posts, which Pearce again put between the posts increasing the score to 20 points. Limavady were again awarded a further 2 penalties on the 10 and 15 minute mark just inside the Grosvenor half and McNickle slotted both over the bar from distances of 48m and 45m respectively to increase the tally to 26 points. Limavady continued to pile on the pressure but due to ill discipline were penalised and Grosvenor won the resulting line out which they ran through the back line. Limavady were caught napping on the 19 minute mark and Grosvenor ran in at the left corner to score their first try and points off the day. The try was converted to bring the score to 26 – 7.

Limavady didn’t learn from their ill discipline nor lapse in concentration and conceded a second try a minute later from well inside the Grosvenor half. Grosvenor made good use of an overlap on the left wing and their winger passed inside (suspiciously forward but not caught by the referee much to the home team disapproval) to avoid Limavady’s last defender to score below the posts and gain another 7 points. Grosvenor were by now sensing a comeback and upped their game which made for a very competitive last 20 minutes. There was no change in the score until the 36 minute mark when Limavady were again awarded their final penalty of the game out on the right wing on the 5m line. McNickle stepped up and again slotted the ball between the posts to cap a superb kicking performance throughout the afternoon.

Limavady continued to lose their discipline and were marched back a number of times by the referee resulting in Grosvenor starting to camp well inside the Limavady half. Only great defending by the home team saved a certain try on 37 minutes forcing Grosvenor to kick into the right corner where James Purcell just beat the Grosvenor winger to the touch down. Limavady were soon down to 14 men after the referee showed the Limavady number 7 (Adam Faulkner) a yellow card at the next ruck. Both teams continued to attack but there was no further score before the final whistle was blown leaving the score 29 – 14 to the home team.

This was a big 2 point win for the Roesiders who played some of their best rugby of the season in the first half but took the foot off the pedal just a bit early in the second half. All the forwards had a big game and played well as a unit being assisted to break the game line by a strong centre partnership of Jonny King and Jason McMullan. Special mention for Alex Magee who moved up from the thirds to play hooker and had some good carries almost getting over the score line and also for Willy Hunt playing his first game off the season for the Club after returning from a serious arm injury last season. Willy was enormous going forward and lead the forward pack giving the Grosvenor boys a torrid afternoon.

Well done boys – Man of the match was Willy Hunt (closely contested by a number of other players including his younger brother). Also congratulations to both Mark Hunt and Pearce McNickle on their recent engagements.

Minor League (North) Limavady 3XV v Strabane 2XV Limavady Grammar School, Irish Green Street, Limavady

After last weekends disappointing away loss to Donegal 2XV, Limavady were on their travels again, this time for a home fixture at Limavady Grammar School, as their own pitch had taken a battering from the weather and Thursday nights training session.

Strabane got off to a great start with an early penalty, but the roesiders kept the pressure on and got their reward with a try from Conor Graham. Strabane then Got a try of their own which was converted to give them a slender 5-10 lead, and a moment of magic from Stuart Roddy evened thing up minutes from half time. Strabane caught the all blacks and scored a preventable try right on half time. HT 10-15

Strabane furthered their lead mid way through the second half with a converted try leaving the home team trailing by 12 with a quarter of an hour to go. Keys nailed a penalty and Roddy got his second try of the afternoon but it wasn’t enough and Limavady suffered their second defeat of the season. FT 18-22

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