Letterkenny RFC: U13 I XV v Ballyclare RFC U13 I XV: Report & Pictures

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Letterkenny’s under-thirteen squad continued their Cup campagain in emphatic fashion on Saturday in a powerful home display at Dave Gallagher Park. Any fears that a week’s rest since the sucessful encounter with Malone might have slowed momentum were soon dispelled when captain Lewi
Carson crashed over the line for the first of four first half tries after just five minutes.

out-half Matthew FaulknerIn absolutely perfect conditions, on the newly lined out Youths pitch the game flowed freely from the kick off, with both teams enjoying the fact that for the first time in weeks, passing wasn’t akin to trying to cath the proverbial bar of soap! A number of knock-ons led to a
series of scrum-downs, and the Letterkenny pack, stewarded by Joe Dunleavy began to dominate up front. The plentiful supply of possesion, fed out quickly by Jack McGarvey was not wasted on a backline showing some much improved positioning – thanks to extra coaching from some senior
members over the past couple of weeks! Noah Sanni was soon over the line for a couple of tries in quick sucession. Matthew Faulkner, back after a bout of the ‘flu, showed he was match fit again with a try just before the interval and a brace of conversions. Ballyclare, regrouped after the break, came back and were within inches of the Letterkenny line immediately after the restart. A dropped ball however went forward, and the hard work
unfortunately came to nought. Switching tactics, the Ballyclare boys opted for a number of freekicks rather than scrums in the second half, and kept Letterkenny in their own half with a series of well-placed kicks to touch. Letterkenny’s back line however, again showing great improvement in
positioning and marking held firm and kept the visitors at bay. As the final quarter arrived, Letterkenny really hit a purple patch, and Lewi Carson, Ciaran McCloskey, Joe Dunleavy and James Roulston ran in five tries between them. Ballyclare fought back, but it was just not their
morning, as a number of promising attacks saw the ball bounce agonisingly into touch just short of the line, and what looked like a certain try under the posts was turned over at the last minute.

Lettekenny have now won two of their three pool matches in the Cup. Next up is Ophir away in
Belfast. This squad is really starting to gel. Lets’ see everyone at training on Wednesday

Starting 15: Repalcements
No.1 Sam Stewart Arlon Noonan
No. 2 Alfie Duggan Daithí Harvey
No. 3 Aodhan O’Neil Oran Nulty
No. 4 John Fogarty
No. 5 Barry Gallagher
No. 6 Conor Cannon
No. 7 James Roulston
No. 8 Joe Dunleavy
No. 9. Jack McGarvey
No. 10. Matthew Faulkner
No. 11. Ciaran Cluskey Nathanie lGiddy
No. 12.Drragh Morrisson
No. 13. Lewi Carson
No. 14. Noah Sanni Enda Currane
No. 15 Eunan Henr

Picture Captions:
Sam Stewart on the burst: :Quick ball from scrum-half Jack McGarvey to out-half Matthew Faulkner
Conor Cannon breaks: :The much improved back line waits
Matthew Faulkner converts: :Captain Carson celebrate

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