Last Saturday Enniskillen RFC had it’s first session of girls only Tag Rugby!!!!!!!!!!! + 13 Action Shots!!!!!!

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Considering training was run over Easter weekend there were great numbers in attendance. Due to the fact tag rugby is non-contact all the girls who attended were able to take part in all the games and drills with out any worry of getting tackled. Everyone made friends very quickly and really enjoyed themselves and to their credit they also picked up alot of the rules in what somtimes can be a difficult game to understand. CLICK HERE for the 13 Action Shots
Any one who missed last week can come along this Saturday and start however this will be the final opportunity to do so as the following week (saturday 21st) the team will be heading to Ashbourne rfc to take part in the IRFU girls tag rugby competition. This free 4 weeks of rugby continues from 9.30 this Saturday, details for the Ashbourne trip will be available then.

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