GOLF FUNDRAISER BUILD UP to Wooden Spoon Charity & the Challenge Paul Magee, Glen Telford and Michael Rainey set to climb Ben Nevis! Helvellyn! Snowdon & Carantouhill 14,000 FEET IN 48 HOURS!

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Wooden Spoon Charity & the Challenge
On 3rd July this year we will be taking part in the 4 Peaks Challenge, raising money for the Wooden Spoon Charity. Wooden Spoon was founded in 1983 and, since then, has been making a difference to the lives of disadvantaged children and young people. Wooden Spoon is one of the largest funders of respite and medical treatment centres, sensory enhancement therapeutic facilities, specialist playgrounds, sports activity areas, and community-based programmes in the UK. So far they have granted over £20 million to these fantastic projects.

As a team of 3 climbers (Paul Magee, Glen Telford and Michael Rainey) and 1 driver (Neil Patterson), we will climb 4 of the highest peaks in the UK and Ireland. Starting at Ben Nevis in Scotland we then tackle Helvellyn in England, Snowdon in Wales and finally Carantouhill in Ireland. This will involve driving over 1,000 miles and climbing over 14,000 feet, all within 48 hours.

Gold Classic Fundraiser
In preparation for the Challenge we will be hosting a Golf Classic at Edenmore Golf & Country Club on Thursday 19th June 2014. The event will be supported by a selection of top rugby players from the province who have represented Ulster, Ireland and the Lions. A host of prizes will be up for grabs.

There are options available for playing as a four ball with your own team, or bidding to recruit one of the rugby stars as your 4th player. If you are interested in entering a team on the day a booking form is attached below.

You may also opt to become an Event Sponsor. As an Event Sponsor, your company name and logo will be displayed at a prominent position on the course.

Just Giving Page
If you are unable to sponsor or enter a team on the day but would still like to contribute towards the fundraising effort, we have a Just Giving page set up where you can donate online. Just log on to and follow the steps there.

Thanks for taking the time to read this message. Every penny we raise will be invested in the charity and will make a real difference for them. I hope we will be able to work together in support of our great cause.

For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Paul Magee on 07734887417 ( or Michael Rainey on 07715042201(

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