Green garden shed spring cleaning

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Green garden shed spring cleaning


Just as nature is giving birth to new blossoms and creations, spring makes us feel like doing something extra special as well. So in preparation for when the days get longer and sunnier, why not head to that den, that you call the garden shed and do a special spring clean. You know the place where you may have a quiet beer away from the Missus!

In fact this spring clean will impress Her Indoors, if you have one in your life, because not only will you sort out that chaos, but you will get rid of dangerous chemical products, and replace them with environmentally friendly ones.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Start off by making an inventory of what you have in your garden shed – just take a ll items out of their current hidings places, dust them off and add them to your inventory.

2. While doing this separate out the chemical garden products to one side.

3. Analyse the containers and pots – what kind of condition they are in, try your best to recycle and wash those that you can use in the future. If some can’t be used put them in an area for their suitable rubbish type. Those that can be used keep them in one area.

4. Terracotta pots – these are beautiful pots and sometimes even if they are a little broken they can still be used for decoration purposes. So check out your terracotta pots and clean them to see how they are properly. Store them in one place until you are ready.

5. All garden tools should be checked and cleaned, and maintained. Once you have done this put them in a special area. While doing this, do be ruthless about old tools that may have seen better days and need to go.

6. Now go back to those chemical products and check the dates on all of them. Ideally you should dispose of them all correctly, but if you don’t wish to waste ones that are still in date, then you can phase them out. Divide them up into disposal and those you may wish to keep.

7. Bits and pieces – you may still have some bits and pieces that don’t fit into the above categories. Go through these and only keep what you really need.

8. Double check your inventory across everything that you intend to keep in the shed.

9. Now analyse the best place to re-store the various groups that you have. Think of safety and practicality. Where are the safest spots, and what do you need to access most often?

10. Clean down all storage and shelving properly. Let it dry. Be sure to use the most suitable DIY Ladder, if you have any work at a height, always choosing the safest access option.

11. Now you can put everything into its new, more logical home. Don’t forget to stand back and admire your handy work.

12. Make a list of all the new environmentally friendly garden products you will need for the season, and go shopping for them. Be sure to store them well and include them on your inventory when you get back.

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