SUN CHLORELLA® Whole Food For Your Whole Body ! >> ! Single-celled green algae, so many nutrients in this!

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SUN CHLORELLA Whole Food For Your Whole Body ! >> !

Single-celled green algae, so many nutrients in this!



Sun Chlorella® ‘A’ – the natural and nutritious single-celled green algae. Rich in a variety of nutrients including vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, manganese, vitamin A and a source of folic acid.

Sun Chlorella® ‘A’ is a natural whole food supplement, free from synthetic ingredients allowing the body to maximise its health benefits. Sun Chlorella® ‘A’ contains an amazing quantity and variety of nutrients and is composed of 60% pure plant protein, as well as the daily intake of essential amino acids plus vitamin A, vitamin B12, B6, vitamin D, folic acid, iron and fibre. In terms of iron content alone, a daily dose of Sun Chlorella® ‘A’ has the equivalent of nine cups of spinach (270g).









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