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Extended highlights video clip below incl interviews with supporters, players, coaches and clips of play – and Dungannon lifting the cup.

All week we have been on tender hooks to wait and see if the Senior Cup final would be played, the weather fortunately held out until the final decision was taken on Thursday 16th December 2010 at 1pm, Mr Boyd proclaimed the game was on!

We arrived at Ravenhill to check out the pitch ourselves at 6.30pm, and it was in excellent condition.

Kick off was 8pm, and the snow was falling down so thickly that we could hardly see 10 foot in front.

Normally players would almost be unable to play in these conditions. Such was the quality of both teams that we were entertained by an excellent game of rugby.

Glory goes to Dungannon. They have been on the recieving end of the force that is City Of Derry in the not too distant past but last night they came out with a vengance and did score from the kick off and did score from the following re-start! Less than 5 minutes in and they where 2 converted tries up.

City of Derry did not get into their stride at all during this game. They where not happy with their performance. The video highlights below includes an interview with the City Of Derry coach, captain and No.8 after the game.

Such is the ebb and flow of top flight rugby that a number of sides like Dungannon & City Of Derry will on the right day beat any side. So many variables have to come together.

The final scoreline was 25-0. see the video below for highlights of the action These clubs met each other 10 years ago in the very same final, so the history shows these two clubs will meet again and the memories from tonight will never fade as the season marches on and the clubs proceed with their various campaigns.

What a season lies ahead for both these clubs. We will be covering both clubs.

Tonight the total glory goes to Dungannon I XV, missing 5-8 players they still pulled off a massive victory! What a game, what a crowd.
City Of Derry are better than this but tonight the spoils go to Dungannon.

We are delighted to have captured video footage & pictures throughout the game and below is a snapshot of the game clip capturing tries, conversions, pressure and defence from both sides, interviews with supporters coaches, captains, Man Of The Match, and the City Of Derry No. 8.

What a spectacle fo rugby! Fantastic stuff. Thank you to both teams and supporters.

Special thanks to intouch rugby supporter Aaron Thompson of Civil Service RFC who compiled the video – Thanks Aaron, a big thank you!!!

Dungannon will now face Corinthians in the All Ireland competition.

CLICK HERE to enjoy 183 picture slideshow from the game

[youtube uCdAzsisN6k]

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